Vanpooling Presented as Commute Option to Relocating ExxonMobil Employees

Since the announcement from ExxonMobil Research & Engineering that the company would be relocating approximately 350 employees from the company’s facility in Paulsboro, NJ to Clinton Township, HART has been providing commute information and assistance to the relocating employees. The commute from the Paulsboro area to Clinton Township is 77 miles and takes approximately one hour and forty five minutes in regular traffic conditions.

In June 2018, HART was joined at the Paulsboro facility by representatives of Enterprise Rideshare, a vanpool leasing company, to make a presentation on vanpooling. More than 50 ExxonMobil employees were in attendance. Vanpooling is a formal arrangement between 7-15 individuals who collectively enter into a monthly lease agreement with a vanpool provider. Maintenance and insurance of the vehicle is included in the lease cost. Vanpoolers decide among themselves who will drive the van, pick up and drop off times, and locations.

“Vanpooling can be a great option for employees who are facing a long commute like the employees from Paulsboro,” says Christina Edzenga, HART Commuter Services Manager. “With a sponsorship provided by NJ TRANSIT and incentives being offered by both HART and Enterprise Rideshare, vanpoolers who participate in a 7 passenger van could pay as little as $7 per day,” she notes.

HART and Enterprise Rideshare will continue to work with employees to assist in the formation of vanpools and carpools.

More information on Vanpooling in Hunterdon County

One on One Employment Transportation Coaching Helps Job Seekers

A lack of reliable transportation can be a significant impediment to those seeking employment. Funded by a grant from the Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board, HART provides education on available transportation options to get to work. “The key is to put transportation at the front of the employment search process,” says Cathy Taglienti, HART Community Mobility Coordinator. “There is no point in an individual applying for a job for which they cannot consistently get to work, on time.”

Continue reading “One on One Employment Transportation Coaching Helps Job Seekers”

HART Promotes Transportation Options at Hunterdon Medical Center

HART’s Community Mobility staff was recently on hand at Hunterdon Medical Center to provide patients and visitors with information on the available transportation options on getting to the Medical Center and medical appointments. HART responded to inquiries about how to use the Hunterdon County LINK Transportation Service, local taxis, and Lyft. Continue reading “HART Promotes Transportation Options at Hunterdon Medical Center”

Califon Borough Kicks Off Street Smart NJ Pedestrian Safety Campaign

A “Street Smart NJ” pedestrian safety education campaign aimed at reducing pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes in the Borough of Califon kicked off on April 16, 2018.  Street Smart NJ is a collaborative effort between public, private and non-profit organizations, funded and managed by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA). Continue reading “Califon Borough Kicks Off Street Smart NJ Pedestrian Safety Campaign”